Field Museum Photography Competition 2024

Submissions for the 2024 Field Museum Photography Competition are now open through August 5, 2024. 

Action Center Field Guides 2024

Dear Field Guides Authors,

Our submissions page is closed at this time. Authors will be able to submit new guides starting January 6th, 2025. To ensure high-quality service to all authors, the field guide team will address a backlog of 300 guides and work on website improvements with the Field Museum's technology team. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please visit our website for frequently asked questions or contact us via email: We thank authors and partners for their patience as we work tirelessly to support your scientific contribution! 

Best regards, The Field Museum Field Guides Team

Estimados Autores de las Guías de Campo,

Nuestra página está cerrada a nuevos envíos de guías en este momento. Los autores podrán enviar guías a partir del 6 de enero del 2025. Para garantizar un servicio de alta calidad a todos los autores, el equipo de Guías de Campo se dedicará a editar y publicar las 300 guías de campo recibidas y trabajará en mejorar el sitio web con el equipo de tecnología del Field Museum. Pedimos disculpas por cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda causar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, visite nuestro sitio web en la sección “Preguntas frecuentes”. O contáctenos por correo electrónico: ¡Agradecemos a los autores y socios por su paciencia y comprensión mientras trabajamos incansablemente para apoyar su contribución científica!

Un cordial saludo, Equipo de Guías de Campo del Field Museum

Prezados autores de Guias de Campo,

Nossa página está fechada para novas submissões de guia neste momento.Os autores poderão enviar guias a partir de 6 de janeiro de 2025. Para garantir um serviço de alta qualidade a todos os autores, a equipe de Guias de Campo irá se concentrar na edição e publicação nos 300 guias de campo já submetidos e trabalhará em melhorias no site com a equipe de tecnologia do Field Museum. Pedimos desculpas por qualquer inconveniente que isso possa causar. Em caso de qualquer dúvida, visite o nosso website e a sessão de“Perguntas Frequentes”.  Ou entre em contato conosco pelo  email: Agradecemos aos autores e parceiros pela paciência e compreensão enquanto trabalhamos incansavelmente para apoiar sua contribuição científica!

Equipe de guias de campo do Field Museum



Join the Field family in an exclusive photography contest for members this summer!

Contestants can make multiple submissions. Please attach one photo per submission.

Rules, Terms & Conditions

No purchase or fee is required to enter; no purchase will enhance your chances of winning; chance of winning depends on how well your entry meets the judging criteria and number of entries received.

By submitting images for consideration in the In The Field Photography Contest, you agree to the following Contest Rules, Terms, and Conditions (“Contest Rules”):


The In The Field Photography Contest (the “Contest”) is sponsored and administered by the Field Museum of Natural History (the “Museum”), an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, located at 1400 S. DuSable Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60605.

Submission Categories

Adult first place, second place, and honorable mention winners and Under 18 (aged 5 to 17) first place, second place, and honorable mention winners will be selected in each of the following categories:

1. Urban Wildlife

  • There’s wildlife everywhere you look! Discover and document the cooperation or lack thereof of nature in human-made environments. 

2. Real-life Diorama 

  • Get outside and connect with nature through a camera lens. Take inspiration from the Field’s renowned taxidermy dioramas, and see if you can spot live animals and plants in their natural habitat. This category can also contain landscapes.

3. Museum Moments 

  • There’s so much to do and see at the Field Museum. Snap a photo of what inspires you about our collections, learning opportunities, and our historic lake-shore building. Portraits and candids of members and member families are encouraged with proper releases.


The Contest is open to United States residents who are Members of the Field Museum and members of their household; children between the ages of five and eighteen may participate with the permission of a parent/guardian. Contest is not open to Field Museum staff and volunteers, the members of their household or immediate family members (i.e., children/step-children, spouses and domestic partners, parents, and siblings). Any potential winner may be required to provide proof of eligibility. No purchase or entry fee is required and no purchase will enhance your chance of winning.


The Contest entry period begins at 8am Central Time on Monday, April 1, 2024 and ends at 11:59 pm Central Time on Monday, August 5, 2024 (“Entry Period”). Entries submitted before or after the Entry Period will not be eligible. Submittable, the submission platform used for this Contest, is the official time-keeping device.


To be eligible for the Contest, each entry must follow these submission guidelines:

  • Images must fit one of the categories listed above.
  • All images must be submitted digitally with a submission form including the photographer's information; permission from a parent/guardian required for entrants under age 18. 
  • Caption information must be provided with each photo. Captions should include the title of the work, the location the photo was taken, and a description of the subject. 
  • All images must be at least 300dpi at 8”X10” dimensions or at least 2,000 pixels wide.
  • All images must be in .jpg/.jpeg, or .tif formats.
  • All submitted image files MUST be named as follows: PhotographerLastName_Category
  • Contestants submitting to the Under 18 Categories should label their files: PhotographerLastName_Category_U18
  • Contestants can submit at least one photo to every category, but no more than 3 photos per category per submitter. Each photograph may only be submitted in one category. 
  • To be eligible for any category, a photograph must have been shot by the entrant since January 1, 2022. This date applies to all images in a composite.
  • All contestants must be a current member of the Field Museum or part of a current Member’s household. 
  • Children who wish to participate in the Under 18 categories must be at least 5 years of age or older. These categories are for K-12 students. 

Full Rules and Ethics are here:  Member Photo Contest 2024 Rules 


Field Museum of Natural History